Insurance Inspection

February , 2023

RE: Unit Inspections by Insurer

Dear Owner:

As you may be aware the law firms of Martell & Ozim, P.A. and Ball Janik have the pleasure of
representing Windermere Trails Townhomes Association, Inc. (the “Association”) with regard to an insurance claim related to Hurricane Ian. The carrier has requested inspection of all units for existing water intrusion and related damage. Under the Association’s policy, the insurer has a right “to inspect the property proving the loss or damage.” Based on the foregoing, the carrier may absorb some of the consequential damages if damages exceed the casualty deductible for each building.

As a result, the Association is requesting that each Unit Owner make their Unit available for
inspection. The inspection is scheduled for March 8-10, 2023. If you are willing to allow your Unit for inspection, please check the box below:
No, the insurer may not inspect my Unit.
Yes, the insurer may coordinate a date to inspect my Unit Check your requested time period:

March 8

March 9

March 10
Please provide your response to Melanie Ball and Jeanna Bond at Ball Janik ([email protected] and [email protected]). The Association will coordinate a date and time with the insurer for inspection of your Unit if you checked “Yes” above. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact your community association manager, Delroy Brown, [email protected], if you have any questions or comments.

P Ozim
Patryk Ozim, Esq.

H: (407) 377-0890 Fax: (407) 674-2543
email: [email protected] web: